Hope Street is a place to encounter God. To find home. To find meaning. To make a difference.

We have a vision to be a people of hope, following Jesus, giving ourselves away to see Wrexham renewed.

Visit us for one of our Sunday services, explore questions of faith at Alpha or just pop in to Tabernacl during the week.

You are welcome here

what’s going on

We gather every Sunday at 10:30 & 18.00 for worship, teaching and ministry.
Hope Street Kids (0-11s) happens at our 10:30 service and Hope Street Youth (11-14s) at the 18.00.
Doors to the cafe 30 mins before the service for fresh coffee and snacks - we can’t wait to see you!

If you can’t join us in person we’ll still be live on YouTube every Sunday.

Tickets for Focus are now available!

This weekend is an incredible chance to come together with Network Churches from across the UK and beyond to worship, celebrate and relax!

Community Pitch tickets are available now.

Explore the Christian faith in a relaxed environment with Alpha—10 weeks, 10 engaging sessions, and plenty of food for thought.
Join us for short talks, discussions, and the chance to ask questions with no strings attached. Everyone's welcome, so bring a friend and see where the conversation takes you!