As part of the Church of Wales, Hope Street has adopted the Safeguarding Policy of the Diocese of St. Asaph. This policy applies to all Hope Street employees, casual workers, volunteers, contractors or any other person engaging in or supporting organisational activities, without exception. The following Safeguarding Policy Statement will act as a summary of the full Safeguarding Policy.
The Church aims to safeguard children, young people and adults at risk by providing safe people, safe places and safe activities, providing the necessary expenditure, administration, training, supervision and monitoring of our policy to enable us to nurture them in the Christian Faith, and further the mission of Christ.
Our obligation to young people & children
We will respect children as persons in their own right and give them special protection because of their vulnerability.
We will constantly pray for our work with children and young people.
We accept and stress the main principle of the Children Act 1989 that the child’s welfare is paramount in all circumstances.
We will act responsibly and with integrity towards children and young people.
We will not exploit our relationship of trust.
We will maintain the highest standards of care at all times.
Our obligation to adults at risk
All adults at risk have a right to:
Be treated with respect and dignity.
Have their privacy respected.
Be able to lead as independent a life as possible.
Be able to choose how they live their lives.
The protection of the law.
Have their rights upheld regardless of ethnic origin, gender, sexuality, impairment or disability, age, religious or cultural background.
Their chosen language or means of communication.
Be heard.
Hope Street is committed to:
We will treat seriously all allegations of abuse or risk of abuse, whether physical, sexual, emotional, financial or neglect and act accordingly as set out in the Church in Wales’ Safeguarding Policy*.
All persons working directly with children and young people and/or adults at risk will complete a Disclosure and Barring Service check and will be suitably trained.
Unless in an emergency there will always be more than one adult with one or more children or young persons whether on or off site. In one to one situations we will ensure that the place or room can be observed by another adult.
We will minimise the risks to children, young people and adults at risk by providing a safe, secure environment. Buildings will be checked for safety in accordance with Church in Wales Health and Safety Regulations and Guidance.
If medical need arises, we will seek appropriate care.
We will ensure adequate insurance for both on and off-site activities.
When transporting children or adults at risk in any vehicle organised by Hope Street we will ensure that the vehicle is adequately insured and adheres to current relevant legislation.
Each person who works or volunteers for Hope Street will agree to abide by this policy and the guidelines established by this church.
Further guidance can be found in the Church in Wales Safeguarding Policies.
Safeguarding contacts
If you have any safeguarding concerns around the welfare of a child, young person, or an adult at risk, please speak to Olwen Kay who is our Provincial Safeguarding Officer:
Email Tel: 07908 963335
Or our Designated Safeguarding Lead or Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Alternatively, please email all concerns to:
Alternative contact details:
NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
Childline: 0800 1111
Stop It Now: 0808 1000 900
NAPAC: 0808 801 0331
Samaritans: 116 123
Family Lives: 0808 800 2222
National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247
Action on Elder Abuse: 080 8808 8141
Approved by Hope Street Board of Trustees on 13th July 2020 and will be reviewed annually.